The Western Lines

January 30, 2010

Death Stars and Gamma Ray Bursts

Today on Discovery Enterprise we explore a very real cosmic danger and a devastating Extinction Level Event Facing (E.L.E.) from the depths of deep space that could potentially wipe out humanity and our entire biosphere. Namely, Death Stars and the Gamma Ray Bursts associated with them.

Gamma ray bursts are the most luminous electromagnetic events in the universe since the Big Bang.

They are flashes of gamma rays emanating from seemingly random places in deep space at random times. The duration of a gamma-ray burst is typically a few seconds, but can range from a few milliseconds to several minutes, and the initial burst is usually followed by a longer-lived “afterglow” emitting at longer wavelengths (X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, infrared, and radio). Gamma-ray bursts are detected by orbiting satellites about two to three times per week, but the number of GRBs that could be observed from Earth is about three times this and is currently limited by the efficiency of the instruments.

Most observed GRBs appear to be collimated emissions caused by the collapse of the core of a rapidly spinning, massive star into a black hole. All known Gamma Ray Bursts originate from outside our own galaxy; though a related class of phenomena, SGR flares, are associated with Galactic magnetars. Thus the sources of most GRBs are billions of light years away.

It was reported in March, 2008 that our planet currently lies in the line of sight of such a star designated WR-104, a mere 8,000 light years away in the constellation of Sagittarius, roughly a quarter of the way to the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Even whole galaxies may be a source of potentially lethal gamma blasts. The discovery of Death Star Galaxy in the binary galaxy system known as 3C321 was announced by NASA back in December 18, 2007. In this system two galaxies are in orbit around one another. A supermassive black hole at the core of the system’s larger galaxy is spewing a jet in the direction of its smaller companion.

If such an event happen in our corner of the Milky Way the gamma ray blast would strip away the ozone layer and generate chemical smog, producing a widespread chill that grips the Earth. And the associated electromagnetic pulse will zap all of our electronics.

How would humankind and the entire biosphere hold up in the face of such a global catastrophe and how can we hope to defend ourselves in the face of such a devastating danger? Today’s feature videos highlight these awesome but, potentially deadly phenomena.

The Universe – Death Stars

Death stars are in the final stage of life before they explode into a supernova and, occasionally, the biggest blast in the universe–the gamma ray burst (GRB). One death star, named WR104, lurks 8,000 light-years from Earth and some believe its GRB arrow is aimed directly at us. A death star galaxy named 3C321 is a terrifying vision of what could one day befall the Milky Way galaxy: a companion galaxy’s black hole is hammering it with a constant blast of high-energy particles, wreaking havoc with its celestial bodies.
Watch The Universe S04 – Death Stars in Educational & How-To | View More Free Videos Online at

Mega Disasters – Gamma Ray Burst

Scientists believe gamma ray bursts were responsible for a mass extinction 450 million years ago. The gamma rays strip away the ozone layer and generate chemical smog, producing a widespread chill that grips the Earth. An expected electromagnetic pulse will zap all of our electronics. How will our modern cities hold up in the face of a such a global catastrophe?

November 4, 2009

Horizon – The Death Star

Filed under: Alex Michael Bonnici,Gamma Ray Burst,Horizon,Hypernova,The Death Star — ralphbuttigieg @ 8:05 am

Out in depths of deepest space lurks a force of almost unimaginable power and ferocity. Explosions of extraordinary violence, are blasting throughout the Universe every day. If one ever struck our Solar System it would irradiate and shower the Earth with a lethal blast of gamma radiation destroying the human species and seriously damaging our planet’s biosphere.

For years no one could work out what was causing these awesome explosions. Now scientists think they have identified the culprit. It’s the most extreme object ever found in the Universe; they have christened it a ‘hypernova’.

Could these explosions perhaps be the answer to Fermi’s Paradox and explain why it appears that humans may be alone in the universe.

Horizon – The Death Star